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Personal Finance and Succession Planning
Business succession planning
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You should be talking to us
business succession planning
  • Business review and plans
  • Transfer of the Business within the Family
    • Estate freezing technique - Total or partial
    • Family control issues after an estate freeze
    • The use of family partnership arrangements
      tax considerations
    • Tax deferral on death
    • Family trusts
  • Transfer of the Business outside the Family
    • Financing the buy-out of the founder
    • Maintaining control by the founder
    • Planning for retirement of the founder
      • Using the founder to maintain business contacts
      • Contracting with the founder for office, support, salary, perks
      • “Managing:” the intrusive retired founder
  • Transfer of the Business to existing Management/Employees
  • Divisive Reorganizations of the Business within and outside the Family
    • Division of the business in separate autonomous parts
    • Separation of the operating business from the ownership of real estate
    • Butterfly division between parent and child vs. division among siblings
    • Advise and support on Structure - Agreements; Buy out - Shotgun provisions; Death and Disability

    Phone calls are free. So if we can be of assistance to you in any regard, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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