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Personal Finance and Succession Planning
Business Succession Planning
Contact Us
You should be talking to us

Information and education are important. Although a little information and education can be a dangerous thing.

As part or our Communiqué, we are initiating the “Test Yourself” Section. You can sign up for our monthly Communiqué at our web page

Each monthly Communiqué will have a multiple choice question on a topic related to our arears of practice and of interest to our clients. The answer to the question will be posted under the Comminiqué Section of our web page.

We are available to discuss any issue you wish, and if we can not assist you, we have a network of specialist we can refer you to.

Please do not hesitate to call us.


Subscribe Here:

~Phone calls are free. So if we can be of assistance to you in any regard, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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Phoenix Capital Corp.
Terms of Use / Privacy Policy
454 Brown's Line    
Toronto, Ontario M8W 3T9    

Tel: 416.621.1615
Fax: 416.621.9668